Brian Ross wrote on Jul 25
th, 2015 at 12:47am:
issuevoter wrote on Jul 24
th, 2015 at 11:01pm:
Three points:
1. I am not a follower of any religion.
2. Comparing Christianity to Islam is convenient for your argument, but I don’t see Christians sneaking into Pakistan to murder people on the street. Or murdering people for making fun of Jesus.
3. The "discord" has been created by Islam and its hatred of anything outside the dictates of the Koran, including the art, music, religion and history of other cultures.
You appear to believe that Islam is a single, unified entity, Issuevoter. In reality it isn't and what you're forgetting is that the overwhelming majority of the victims of Islamist violence are Muslims, not non-Muslims. What we are seeing is a battle for supremacy for the Muslim Zeitgeist, not an attempt to conquer the non-Muslim one. So, how about stop talking in this way about stereotypes and tackle the reality of Muslims and Islam? It is a discordant, fractured, multiple types of Islam, down to the individual level in many cases!
I'll give you this much; you are articulate. But no I do not see Islam as an entity, its a frame of mind which has a varying cultural basis. The cultural differences are meaningless to the problem of continued Muslim atrocities. Here is how I see the situation now:
An intrinsic fault in the human race is that we are quite capable of believing anything, even if it is detrimental to our wellbeing. It can be argued that capitalism is detrimental when it exploits ways of killing people, but it can also be argued that societies make some effort to prevent that capacity taking charge.
Not only is no society today attempting to control the poisonous qualities in Islam, no society will officially acknowledge the problem. Twenty years of atrocities have been committed in the name of Islam against the West and other non-Muslim countries. Both Western leaders and vocal Muslims choose to explain this away as the acts of a few criminal or insane types.
Pan Arabs and associated Muslims directed their hatred at Israel in the 1950s and 60s. Because of their greater numbers and the will of God, they thought they could simply push Israel into the sea. After several ignominious defeats, the question was how could those who praise Allah be defeated? Islam sat back on its haunches with a bloody nose and began to blame the West for all its problems, and not just Israel’s existence.
It was fairly easy for the firebrands of Islam to direct the frustration of their followers at the Infidels as they call us. By the 1980 a fear spread through Islam that Western values were spreading and undermining their twelve hundred year old dogma. Under the illusion that Muslims were all equal, all they had to do was refer the faithful to the Koran. It would be ingenious if it was the work of a central authority, but it does not need such a directory. This view cites the Infidel and perhaps the Apostate as the only obstacles between the faithful and the earthly paradise of Mohammed’s psychotic delusion; a frame of mind in which he thought he was in touch with, and being directed by, a supreme being.
The Islamic delusion also states that the faithful are fulfilling God’s will, therefore they are doing what is right as it is already “written by God.” This is where murder and suicide are legitimised in their minds. When they bow down to Mecca they are not praying for the good of mankind.
Having prompted some rather feeble military responses to their attacks, Muslims now turn around use revenge as a justification for indiscriminate atrocities. It is probable that most young adults today do not remember a world without the threat of being blown to bits as pedestrians on the street by some fanatic spouting the defense of the real God and Mohammed. People may even become desensitized to the violence as if the daily news is just an extension of their video games. But a worse state of affairs is the one where the violence is shrugged off as inevitable, as if there is nowhere to place the blame.
Muslim brothers like Gandalf adopt the mannerisms of Western Objectivity to take advantage of those who wish to believe Islam is tolerant of other cultures. I stress “wish,” because being human they are quite capable of turning a blind eye to that which threatens them. Combining numbers of the timid and the appeasers it looks as if Islamic frame of mind is being successful, so they would have little to complain about if not for their own paranoia.