Wait one - Ten charges? Might one see what these charges are exactly? I've heard nothing of this....
Perhaps a link would help...... fair's fair.....
Ah - here we go:-
"Kenny-Dowall was arrested on Saturday and charged with a string of offences including the common assault and stalking of his former partner."http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-07-19/roosters-stand-shaun-kenny-dowall-down/663...For the uninitiated - 'common assault' means no physical contact etc but rather the most commonly used by police version that they somehow 'feared violence' might occur.
This virtually means they can get someone convicted of 'violence' - again - where no violence has occurred. Needs a lot of substantiation... As for stalking - well - I want to see the details... what did he do? Front her and ask her to re-consider?
When a man's right to a reasonable discussion and the reasonable attempt to restore something of value in a relationship is replaced by the use of force including sanctions of any kind by some self-appointed authority - his rights have been abrogated.
It's like the old adage that any man has the right to ask after a possible relationship, and every woman has the right to say yes or no.... but she does not - until recent history anyway - have the right to claim violence because a man approached her and was rejected... ONLY if he pursues it.
Personally I'd just walk away from such an entitled lass and get another..... I'm sure they line up for the big football players...
Sometimes it seems some men are still stuck in the days when being loyal to your woman was a virtue and not a crime... I say let 'em find their own way... if they can..... and without our support.
Good luck, girls.....