longweekend58 wrote on Jul 21
st, 2015 at 3:43pm:
Aussie wrote on Jul 21
st, 2015 at 11:54am:
longweekend58 wrote on Jul 20
th, 2015 at 8:50pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jul 20
th, 2015 at 8:37pm:
Indeed as a private citizen the Premier has a right to his private opinion.. what he does NOT have a Right to is to seek to influence or affect public opinion unduly by asserting things not proven to a proper standard in a proper court of Law.
Like the RC into Unions Commissioner, his personal views are just that and he should refrain from discussing anything not factually supported.
BTW - if a Union stooge spent as much as Bronnie or some of the others on free travel - would they not be up in front of that Commission right now?
we all know that you were cranky when
the commissioner accused Shorten of being an unreliable and evasive witness.
your understanding of the judicial process is really quite poor. It is not only his right but as effective Judge his responsibility to do so.
Why do you lie and make this sort of rubbish up? That simply did not happen.
oh we've all heard your commentary on the RC, biased-weirdo. ACcording to you, Shorten came off smelling like a rose and the whole thing is a giant waste of time. You are the last person whose opinion shoudl be taken note of on this or any topic.
I'll back my eye witness account of what actually happened every second against your imaginary garbage. These are the Commissioner's exact words:
Quote:"You, if I can be frank about it, have been criticised in the newspapers in the last few weeks and I think it is generally believed that you have come in here in the hope that you will be able to rebut that criticism, or a lot of it," he said.
"I am not very troubled about that, though I can understand that you are, and it is legitimate for you to use this occasion to achieve your ends in that regard.
"What I am concerned about more is your credibility as a witness.
"It is in your interest to curb these, to some extent, extraneous answers."
Justice Heydon said some of the fault may be with senior counsel assisting Jeremy Stoljar, who was cross-examining Mr Shorten.
"But I think it is partly your fault that we are proceeding rather slowly through the material," he said.
"You do not have to accept what I am saying to you, it is offered, as it were ... with a view to vindication and prosecution as were, of your own interests as a witness here."
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/bill-shortens-credibility-as-royal-commission-witness-questioned-after-lengthy-answers-20150709-gi8dal.html#ixzz3gVLfT9Go
So melielongtime, can you show me where he accused Shorten of being an unreliable and evasive witness?
You can't because he didn't ~ and you are caught yet again making false assertions. When will you tire of confirming the adverse views of your critics?