Yadda wrote on Jul 28
th, 2015 at 12:37pm:
Pho Huc wrote on Jul 28
th, 2015 at 12:16pm:
You realise that if you combine all the people killed by Islamic extremists in the whole world each year(15000~) approximately equates to the number of people killed by homicide in the USA(13754~) ?
Im not kidding, do the math.
This is why I don't think that Islam is the boogie man that its made out to be. Its human nature.
As i said to Sprint last week, Wanna make a bet????
Even if you add the total number of murders committed by every Islamic extremist across the globe you still only get a number equivalent to the annual Murder rate of the third largest country, which has only 20% of the population of the Islamic world.
Empirically Americans are 5 times more likely to commit murder than a Moslem.
This is why i like numbers. They cut straight through the B/S
So sprint, hows about that wager???
Pho Huc,
What is the population of the USA ?
~250 million ?
Pho Huc,
Just suppose,
that somehow, 1/ ISLAMISTS were able to destroy all government authority in the USA,
and that 2/ somehow ISLAMISTS were able to establish the authority of the ISLAMIC State [the Caliphate] in the USA,
would you care to guess how many infidels [who rejected their authority] the ISLAMISTS could possibly decide to 'liquidate' ???
Pho Huc,
ISLAM, ISLAMIC doctrine, the Koran, ISLAMIC law,
all declare and confirm that within an absolute [i.e. 'pure'] Sharia jurisdiction, those who reject ISLAM [i.e. those who reject ISLAM's authority over their lives] have absolutely no protection in law.
Such people are "OUTLAWS".
And typically, traditionally, a citizen cannot be prosecuted if he kills any person who is an outlaw [i.e. a person who is outside the protection of the common law of the land].
Sorry Yadda, i had to delete your mandatory Quran quotes, they were taking up to much space

Regarding your points sequentially
I am aware of the population of the USA(250 Mill)
I am aware of the Moslem population(1.5 Bill)
The USA has approximately 13500 murders annually.
There are approximately 15000 death globally attributed to Islamic extremism annually.
Hence, my statement that the USA is approximately 5 times more dangerous than the middle east. based on deaths/per head of population. Not an opinion. a fact.
I hope that clarified my argument Yadda.
1- Assuming that america was somehow converted into an Islamic caliphate, The numbers would indicate that you could actually expect to see a reduction in the murder rate.
The average murder rate in Islam dominated countries is 2.4 deaths per 100,000
In america the current murder rate is 4.5 deaths per 100,000.
2- Regarding your assertion that Kaffirs in the Moslom countries have no protections due to either customs or legal structures.
Indonesia-Majority muslim.
Malaysia -majority muslim.
I have traveled and worked in both these countries and was treated with respect and courtesy by all I met. No-one tried to decapitate me inspite of being an infidel.
Many other Australians travel to these countries any also have no problems.
I understand that their are many Moslem countries which lack the stability of the referenced countries, and have a higher rate of violence but that is due to civil conflict, not religious predilection.
If it was solely caused by the Islamic faith you would expect to find the same violent trends in all Moslem countries.
Yadda, given your point of view wouldn't you expect more Moslem on Non-Moslem violence than Moslem on Moslem violence?