Mein Kampf is just a bunch of incoherent ramblings and poorly written rants filled with fallacies and crazed racism and xenophobia, it's a poo read and is only worth while to show how much of an insane nutjob Hitler was.
If you want something far more interesting and well written, read Stalin. Despite Stalin being a horrific monster, the idea that he was a stupid brute couldn't be further from the truth (and largely shows the classist attitude of politicians of the era) and largely shows that while Stalin was very well versed in philosophy and political science.
I would recommend reading the debate between H.G. Wells and Stalin, it's very interesting and it's amazing how Stalin has H.G. Wells on the backfoot for basically all of it.
The difference in writing between Hitler and Stalin really shows, Hitler is completely psychotic, while Stalin was a brutal pragmatist and had no moral issues carrying out his repression because he justified it through pragmatism.
There is an attempt these days to paint Stalin as a complete psychopath, but I don't think this is true at all, I honestly don't think Stalin was mentally ill at all, I think he knew exactly what he was doing and he justified it through basic material reasoning. As John Gunther wrote of Stalin of all the tinpot dictators of the 20th century, Stalin was the only one that came off as a completely sane normal human being. (though I've read that Stalin's "Humps and Valleys" in his actions and his several documented cases of debilitating depression may be an indicator of Bipolar which also explains his paranoia and his fear of those that he considered his best friends like Lenin and Bukharin)
No wonder Stalin won WW2 despite starting from a vastly inferior position.
freediver wrote on Jul 26
th, 2015 at 5:52pm:
It makes you wonder what Hitler would have become had he succeeded in establishing his thousand year Reich
Impossible, the Third Reich was based on way too much social and class contradiction in it's set up and the Nazi economy was based entirely around war and expansion and had nothing else going for it. Nazi Germany was always doomed to failure.