greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 30 th, 2015 at 6:12pm: longweekend58 wrote on Jul 30 th, 2015 at 5:27pm: greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 30 th, 2015 at 3:17pm: Steampipe wrote on Jul 30 th, 2015 at 3:08pm: greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 30 th, 2015 at 3:02pm: Steampipe wrote on Jul 30 th, 2015 at 2:53pm: greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 30 th, 2015 at 2:50pm: Steampipe wrote on Jul 30 th, 2015 at 2:48pm: greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 30 th, 2015 at 2:42pm: I suggest that you go back and actually read the story.
[i]"A body camera video that Deters played for reporters showed Tensing stopped Dubose for a missing front license plate. Dubose failed to provide a driver's license as Tensing requested then tried to prevent Tensing, who told Dubose to take his seat belt off, from opening the car door.
"The car started slowly rolling forward as Tensing reached in and yelled for him to stop. The officer then pulled his gun and fired once, killing Dubose.
That's the evidence. Indeed. Video footage of the whole incident, and a dead unarmed body. How do you think your friend will go in court? It will depend on the jury, if they are as stupid as you he might get off. He'll get away with it, if the jury is stupid? So, you're saying he's guilty. What was it that someone said, back in post #27 ? "you have only read the headlines from the media and do not know the full story but have made a judgement based on headlines." I think he will be found guilty regardless of the evidence, the media have tainted his chances of a fair trial. Look at your reaction to the media coverage, no chance you will now find a jury that can objectively consider the evidence and if they do find in his favour the plebs have only the news story to go on and that will contradict the decision they have already made. Sounds to me like you're going out of your way to make excuses for him. Why is that? Is there something that makes you think that the summary execution was justified? Herbie thinks the motorist reached the magic number of 5 offences, and that's why his murder is justifiable. Mind you, the colour of his skin would probably drop Herbie's magic number down to 2. What makes you think this motorist deserved to be summarily executed? but of course... the important thing is to remain totally fixated on the symptoms and ignore the root causes. Thats important to you , isnt it? shadow over substance? the problem is that people are bad. and when they BOTH have guns, it turns into a bloodbath. Im not defending him nor ever have. I am saying that you put a mixture of a dumb cop in an environment where everyone has guns and you have a guaranteed disaster. That would be why every other week is a school shooting or a cinema shooting and it doesnt happen in countries without massive gun ownership. stick to just symptoms and the disease will never be cured. The dead dude was unarmed. a fact that came out AFTERWARDS. try listening. IN the USA, people (and police) would assume that ANYONE could potentially be armed and that is not unreasonable. It is not just the actual existence of guns that is the problem but the POTENTIAL AND PROBABLE existence of them that colours every encounter. Here in australia, the likelihood of anyone owning a gun is low enough but carrying on in public is nearly unheard of. POlice and others do not presume the existence of a gun and therefore act much less suspiciously. I am not supporting the boofhead cop. I am making the argument that the mere existence of all these guns makes incidents like this inevitable, just like all the school and cinema shootings are inevitable... and repeated.