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Cancer is an industry (Read 613 times)
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Cancer is an industry
Jul 30th, 2015 at 1:25pm
Please accept I don't mean to be callous here if you or a loved one are or have undergone the tradgedy that is cancer.

But cancer is/has become an industry,

The doctors who deal with it are the best funded branch of the health industry.

There are art unions for every part of the human anatomy affected by it, which is all of it, and they are making huge profits from it.

Even some of our shopping bags advertise a ceratin kind of cancer.

Certain medications, often expensive, are restricted on the PBS for use by chemotherapy patients. This despite the fact that chemotherapy lasts for a limited time while other illnesses not recognised for these medications may last for a lifetime.

Even funeral notices these days often recognise that someone "lost their battle with cancer", other people just cark it.

Yep, somehow cancer has got itself the gold medal in the illness Olympics and the rest of human diseases are destined to be the unrecognised runners up.
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Prime Minister for Canyons
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Re: Cancer is an industry
Reply #1 - Jul 30th, 2015 at 9:01pm
Don't think you're callous, just a bit unhinged.
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In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

No evidence whatsoever it can be attributed to George Orwell or Eric Arthur Blair (in fact the same guy)
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A cat with a view
Re: Cancer is an industry
Reply #2 - Jul 30th, 2015 at 9:14pm

Cancer is an industry

Yes it is.

And it has been our own choices, that have given cancer a home in our bodies.

And stop whining.

Suck it up.

ban all 'religious' clothing

Infection or cancer, cannot take hold and spread in vital, healthy flesh.
We remain healthy while our body remains vital and 'clean'.
We remain healthy while our body has the capacity to clease itself of the toxins produced by the processes that occur within a living organism.
Infection and cancer, take hold in a 'polluted' body ['polluted' usually due to overconsumption].
Infection and cancer will kill the host, when a body no longer has the capacity to clease itself of those toxins produced by the processes that occur within a living organism.



Go to hell.

You chose that path,      yourself.

So stop whining;      "I'm a victim! I'm a victim!".

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Prime Minister for Canyons
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Re: Cancer is an industry
Reply #3 - Jul 30th, 2015 at 9:22pm
Actually Yadda is totally unhinged.
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In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

No evidence whatsoever it can be attributed to George Orwell or Eric Arthur Blair (in fact the same guy)
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Re: Cancer is an industry
Reply #4 - Jul 30th, 2015 at 9:25pm
I agree with Bogarde.  It has become a gravy train for grass root City and suburban practices, through to Specialists, onto Hospitals, let's not forget Big Pharma, or the Research facilities who get plenty in donations and Government support.

'Cancer' is a meggabagazzillion dollar industry world wide, and a killer.  I don't have an answer, just a criticism.  No-one I ever knew who had cancer was saved, the case of my WW 11 Digger Old Man, diagnosed with prostrate cancer in his late 80s, and contrary to the advice of the Indian Bride (a radiographer) but with the support of Elder Bro and I, and at great cost to DVA and benefit to the medical profession, he undertook the 30 day programme of radiation.  He lasted to day 28, and as a wasted bloke, finally said...'Tell them to get phhucked, I've had enough.'  He, Elder Bro and I ate crow served up by the Indian Bride.

He immediately gained weight, back to his old self, lived another four years, and it was not cancer which eventually got him.

Yeah, anecdotal, yet probably not an exception.
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I have sinned

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Re: Cancer is an industry
Reply #5 - Jul 30th, 2015 at 9:33pm
The toxic text posted on here by longweekend58 and Freediver is likely to cause brain cancer among the denizens.
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“I’ll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours” Bob Dylan
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Re: Cancer is an industry
Reply #6 - Jul 30th, 2015 at 10:45pm
bogarde73 wrote on Jul 30th, 2015 at 1:25pm:
Even funeral notices these days often recognise that someone "lost their battle with cancer", other people just cark it.

Something that has always irked me.

Really irked me.

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