About Homelessness Prevention Week
The Salvation Army
Homelessness Prevention Week (HPW) is an annual themed week coordinated by Homelessness Australia. It is used to raise awareness of people experiencing homelessness and the surrounding issues.
It is held in the first full week of August each year.
It aims to:
Raise public awareness of homelessness and the factors that cause it;
Celebrate the resilience of young people and convey the message that young people experiencing homelessness are homeless but not helpless;
Provide information to the general public about how they can help end homelessness.
Why does Youth Homelessness matter?
Young people aged 12 to 25 make up a fifth of our population yet they are over represented in homelessness statistics. Nationally 42% of those experiencing homelessness are young people. What does this mean, there are 26,000 young homeless Australians aged 12 -25.
Without appropriate support a young person who is experiencing homelessness is likely to experience a lifetime of disadvantage.
Youth homelessness is not about young people that simply don't want to live at home. Two of the main causes are domestic violence (abuse) and relationship or family breakdown. No one chooses this for themselves.
Accommodation services for young people can only help 50% of the young people that visit them. If a young person goes and stays with a friend this is just a temporary solution.