polite_gandalf wrote on Aug 4
th, 2015 at 12:34pm:
claim: Islam is innately violent - and I have the actions of muslims to prove it
response: the majority of muslims are not violent
claim: they don't count - its the minority who are carrying out Allah's violent commands
resposne: how can you claim them to be representing "true" Islam if they are in the minority?
claim: because they are carrying out Allah's violent commands.
and round and round we go...
Yes, ISLAM is innately violent.
Moslems simply pretend that ISLAM is not violent, ....as a stratagem [i.e. deceit], of their warfare.
The 'failure' of [many] moslems living in nations like Australia, to show open animosity and even violence towards their non-moslem 'friends', does not prove that ISLAM is a benign philosophy.
Logically, the 'failure' [i.e. the unwillingness!] of moslems to reveal their true nature while living in nations like Australia has everything to do with the impotence of moslems living in nations like Australia [i.e. the fear of those moslems, that they will be called to account by secular law and law courts, within nations like Australia].
"...all notions of peace with non-Muslims are based on circumstance."
as per......

Sheikh Yassir al-Burhami
Quote:How Circumstance Dictates Islamic Behavior
January 18, 2012
Preach Peace When Weak, Wage War When Strong
"...all notions of peace with non-Muslims are based on circumstance.
When Muslims are weak, they should be peaceful; when strong, they should go on the offensive."
Sheikh Yassir al-Burhami - an ISLAMIC scholar and Egyptian Salafi leaderhttp://www.raymondibrahim.com/from-the-arab-world/how-circumstance-dictates-isla....
FD said it well enough,
when speaking to the reason for the
apparent 'timidity' of many moslems....
http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1391854581/281#281 Quote:You are mistaking impotence for benign intent. The Muslims are in no hurry to correct you.
http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1368872008/51#51 Quote:Chimp you are confusing impotence with benevolence. Abu was fond of this trick. Correlation does not equal causation.
http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1344119653/61#61 Quote:They want to impose it on everyone. They just recognise their own impotence. Even Abu is telling you this spot. You should learn to tell the difference. Imagine a Nazi telling you he is not capable of slaughtering Jews because Australian law stops him - would you turn around and tell everyone he does not want to slaughter Jews? For someone who claims to oppose this BS you are incredibly blind to it.
http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1344119653/78#78 Quote:How can you tell the difference? Even when Abu says he believes in the death penalty for apostasy and destroying freedom and democracy yuou refuse to believe it. All he has to do is point out his impotence to achieve his goals and you take this to mean they are not his goals. I have never seen anyone so easy to fool.
http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1339842765/287#287 Quote:Do you believe that Abu wants Islamic law for Australia? Can you point to anywhere that he has actually said he does not want it, rather than where he has merely refused to give a straight answer? Can you tell the difference between Abu acknowledging his own impotence to achieve what he wants and not wanting it? Can you explain why he would answer by talking about his inability to achieve Islamic law in Australia if it was not what he wanted?
http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1344204563/155#155 Quote:Not really. I am just trying to get you to acknowledge the reality. I have not been quoting the Koran at Abu as you claim and telling him what he believes. I have been asking him. As far as I can tell it still has not sunk in with you that Abu opposes freedom and democracy and wants the death penalty for all sorts of thought crimes. I can provide links and quotes on any that you are interested in. It will help you to face reality, one little step at a time. You can move past your little delusion that impotence is the same thing as benign intent.
http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1344204563/168#168 Quote:Are you honestly incapable of telling the difference between impotence and benign intent? Why is it good enough to for you to openly lie about what Abu wants by pretending it is the same as what he can achieve?
All of these
"ISLAM is a peaceful faith."
crowd, are as thick as two short planks.
Either that, or this crowd are really moslems, here on OzPol, who are masquerading as non-moslems.
I would say the latter.
" The Prophet said, "War is deceit." "
hadith/bukhari/ #004.052.269
Moslems lying to, and deceiving 'disbelievers', is still recognised as an aspect of Jihad [religious fighting against 'disbelievers'].
Isn't that correct, gandalf!