polite_gandalf wrote on Aug 4
th, 2015 at 3:52pm:
why, can you understand why some might find the statement that every single muslim is a wannabe homocidal maniac offensive?
All respect, but the words which you attribute to me, are misrepresenting how i
ACTUALLY expressed myself.
Yadda said....
http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1431117115/1#1 Quote:"every moslem in Australia is a latent, wanna-be homicidal maniac"
- Yadda
And, the word - latent - means this --------- >
latent = = existing but not yet developed, manifest, or activeAnd the following of ISLAM, introduces the element of intentional killing, aka
malice aforethought = = the intention to kill or harm, held to distinguish unlawful killing from murder.CRIMINAL INTENT, IN THE MOSLEM HEART
ISLAM sanctions the 'lawful'
MURDER of persons who reject ISLAM.
How so ?
Because Allah states that those who reject Allah have no protection in law, and that they are in fact, his enemies;
"....those who reject Allah have no protector."
Koran 47.008
v. 8-11
"....Lo! Allah is an enemy to those who reject Faith."
Koran 2.98
QUESTION;But why would a person who declares himself to be, a
moslem, commit such an act [i.e. the murder of disbelievers] ?
It isn't rocket science!!!!
Muslim = = a follower of Islam.