Quote:Look at an ancient manuscript written in Koine, and you will see it is vastly different to what you are posting, which is a modern version. Please just post me an article written in Koine which demonstrates what you think the letters look like. It doesn't even have to be revelation, or even biblical script. I just want you to look at it for yourself and see that it differs greatly from anything you have posted. This is relevant, because if you believe that the author was copying symbols rather than numbers, then we need to understand what those symbols would have looked like at the time they were written down.
Reply #113 - Yesterday at 4:23pm shows numbers written in Koine Greek Stratos.
Quote:I have not once mentioned this. Please show me where you think I did, because at this stage I think you are genuinely delusional.
Your refer to codex vaticanus as not being from the 1st century and that the revelations weren't added to the writings untill about 1000 years later.
I agree, however I also realize the roman church must have duplicated earlier manuscripts which state they were written by John Of Patmos in the first century A.D.
The facts are that The Bible which exists today is accepted as a genuine copy of the early Greek and Hebrew versions.
If you can prove they weren't, you are on your way to stardom and million dollar contracts as a guest speaker.
All you do is call for papyrus manuscripts which are no longer in existence.
The world is yours Stratos if you can confute the millions of Bibles written in about 2500 languages.
For me there are many things apart from the chi xi stigma = crossed swords of islam and bismallah on it's side, which show islam is the Biblical beast 666.
Beast = Kingdom/government/political power: islam dominates muslim law, religion, politics, societal structure.
The 666 beast has been wounded in the past, the deadly wound has healedThe islamic campaign defeated at the Battle of Tours October 10, 732 A.D. or the crusades could fill the criteria. Either way islam was stopped but has once again risen to be a world threat.
People are beheaded especially Jews and Christians.islam is synonymous with beheading world wide right now.
The beast will blaspheme against Y.H.W.H., Christ and the Holy Spiritislamic tenets urge muslims to murder innocent people for worshiping Y.H.W.H., they denigrate Christ as lower than muhammad, they claim the comforter / Holy Spirit of God is muhammad.
The beast wants to rule the worldEvery muslim on this earth is striving for a one world islamic caliphate, slaughtering innocent people untill all religion is for allah, is the doctrine.
The beast requires a mark to buy and sellhalal certification, the satanic mark of allah to buy and sell, being pushed across the globe right now.
The parallel in the Bible of Ishmael in the past and muslims today.
Genesis 16:11 And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction.
Genesis16:12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
Ishmael is revered by muslims as a founder of islam and the ancestor of muhammad. The Bible says he would be against every man, every man would be against him, he would dwell amongst all his brethren.
This perfectly describes islam today: muslims kill other muslims, muslims kill non muslims, they kill everybody / every man, they dwell worldwide / amongst all men.
Unlike islamic theocracies you're free to believe what you like Stratos, just as I am. I am totally convinced islam is one of most detestable, evil concepts ever to be spawned on this earth.
It's more than just a coincidence that islam perfectly fills the criteria for the Biblical beast 666.