Stratos wrote:
Quote:It can't be a fulfilled prophecy if you can't prove the event even happened surely. I mean come on.
There are numerous sites which deal exclusively with the many Bible prophecies fulfilled, they give an explanation which can fit the scenarios, however given that the bible was written using symbols, parables and parallels, none of the prophecies say outright and directly what they mean.
So we have :
1/. people can't precisely prove that the explanations are correct.
2/. people can't exactly prove that the explanations are incorrect.
So I come down on the side of the affirmative, Christ existed.
My reasons are: Credible historians from that early period cite Jesus in their works, the Babylonian Talmud, Lucian of Samosata, plus the writings of the N.T.
Quote:I never said none of it ever happened, I said there is no contemporary evidence that Jesus existed, which as you yourself have said is true.
I agree, as any evidence from Jesus' own lifetime would have gone the way of everything else, when the Romans defeated the Jews and totally destroyed Jerusalem etc.
The Romans razed everything, slaughtered over one million Jews and enslaved the rest.