Prophecy is just someone who claims to deliver a message from God.
You can be one yourself, for a modern example try Joseph Smith.
LifeOrDeath wrote on Aug 4
th, 2015 at 5:08pm:
The word prophecy comes from the Greek verb, προφημι (prophemi), which means “to say beforehand, foretell”; it is a combination of the Greek words, προ and φημι. The Greek prefix προ also means "before," "in front of," so etymologically προφημι means to speak in front of, as a spokesperson
Amazing as this may seem, words often have different meanings to their roots.
LifeOrDeath wrote on Aug 4
th, 2015 at 3:41pm:
Assuming he even existed of course of which there is no evidence except stories and a book called a quran that only came into existence 60 years after he was supposed to have died in the first place.
There are several non-Muslim sources that point to a historical figure. However like all such cases, it is very hard to determine historicity when dealing with supposed divinity.
Compared to the historicity of Jesus (for example, pick your favourite scriptural figure) though, Muhammad has a lot more evidence to support a historical figure.
I believe Muhammad most likely existed. Do I believe he flew on a mythical creature? absolutely not.