Ajax wrote on Aug 5
th, 2015 at 5:42pm:
Not bad Herbie, could've done without the merkin imo...
Sorry, but I came up through the '50's when women had meat on their legs.
At that time all the glamour shots of women showed full thighs and well-rounded bodies. They were shapely with their womanly assets. Full hips, full bums, etc.
But then things went pear-shaped.
The homosexuals who dominated the fashion and modelling industries - with the help of the 'Health Studio' industries - started propagandising to these full-bodied gorgeous-looking young women that they were 'fat' and "needed to lose weight".
Within a very short time women then started to present themselves as 'lithe', 'slim' and 'athletic-looking' in Mens magazines, beauty contests, movies, advertisements for beach-wear, etc ... (ie. skinny and shapeless, and with body-types that resemble exactly that of tall 14-year old boys).
The Gay community had achieved its purpose of masculinising the female form - and the health studios were making a motsa with their exercise rooms packed to the rafters with gorgeous females on a desperate and sweaty mission to reduce their body-mass to that of early-teenage boys.
And this trend continues.
I was once working with a gang unloading shipping containers in a warehouse yard - and created a seismic event when I told them I thought Elle Macpherson was ugly in face and had a very 'ordinary body' that was on the skinny side with stringy muscles showing.
Have a look at the world beauty contests now ... skinny ... skinny ... skinny.
You younger generationers haven't a clue. You've been brainwashed into thinking a young woman's body should look 'athletic' with as little curves and dips as possible.
The burlesque woman in my video is
exactly how the Ideal Woman was perceived for at least 100 years before the gays and the gym owners took control of the agenda.
Just saying.

(A 'merkin' - that's a new one on me. That'll be my Word for the Day: 'merkin'.)
Well I never thought about it like that but I would say you have a very good point about homos and the rag trade, changing the image of women.
Those models that are on the cat walks, I refer to them as coat hangers, cause that's what they are, no matter what their wearing it looks like a coat hanger is walking down the cat walk, formless, bony assed and too skinny for my liking.