Quote:Here's what we call a logical fallacy FD - the assumption that "enslaving the women" is a synonym for sex slavery.
In Islam's case it is. And to justify this treatment, you cited the slaughter of every adult male in the tribe. Yet you also claim that you have also believed that slaughter never happened. How does that work Gandalf? You appear to be avoiding this point.
Quote:I have always maintained that under Islam it is not.
The reality of Islam is quite different to your fantasy Gandalf. We even have modern Aussie Muslim converts insisting that sex is a man's right and a woman's responsibility.
Quote:You even quoted me describing the slavery as protective custody for people who couldn't fend for themselves.
Yes I thought that was particularly good example of your self delusion and your efforts to rewrite history when it comes to Muhammad's genocidal tendencies.
Quote:You would have to be pretty sick in the head to equate protective custody with sex slavery
Yet that is exactly what you do Gandalf. Did Muhammad ever describe it as protective custody? Or did you make that one up yourself?
Quote:No FD, the Quran was entirely written contemporaneously.
After Muhammad would receive revelations he would later recite it to his companions, who also memorized it or wrote it down. Before the Quran was commonly available in written form, speaking it from memory prevailed as the mode of teaching it to others. The practice of memorizing the whole Quran is still practiced among Muslims. Millions of people have memorized the entire Quran in its original Arabic. This fact, taken in the context of 7th-century Arabia, was not an extraordinary feat. People of that time had a penchant for recited poetry and had developed their skills in memorization to a remarkable degree. Events and competitions that featured the recitation of elaborate poetry were of great interest.[6]
People questioned the nature and modes of Muhammad’s revelations. The Meccans of Muhammad judged the Quranic revelation based on their understanding of ‘inspiration’. For them, poetry was closely connected to inspiration from a higher spiritual source. For this reason when Muhammad began preaching and reciting the Quran, the Meccans accused him of being a poet (21.5) or a ‘poet possessed’(37.36).[7]
Due to the fact that the Quran was revealed in disjointed verses and chapters, a point came when it needed to be gathered into a coherent whole text. There are disagreements among both Muslim and non-Muslim scholars as to when the Quran was compiled. Some believe Muhammad compiled it before he died, while others believe it was collected by either Ali ibn Abu Talib or Abu Bakr.
The society during the time of Muhammad was predominantly oral and for this reason he would recite the Quranic verses to his Companions and instruct them to memorize it. Due to this, people question whether the Quran was ever written and collected during the time of Muhammad.