Again, for the selective listeners:
Quote:Thats exactly what they were. Thats exactly how 7th arab society worked - your loyalty was with the tribe, far above anything else. They were of one mind - what the tribal leaders decided, every single member decided. No individual member of the tribe would even dream of taking a position that was at odds with the tribe. It sounds ridiculous to our western individualistic minds, but thats exactly how it was.
This is the rationale - firmly rooted in historical fact - that FD finds so offensive and hypocritical.
As I've said time and time again, it was not a slur against jews
en masse, it was a very specific observation of 7th century
arab society (and yes, the Bany Qurayza were more 'arab' than 'jew'). There were a few hundred members of the Banu Qurayza, and saying that they were 'of one mind' is not at all unreasonable or implausible given the size and the predominant tribal culture. Particularly in a time of war. Thats how pre-Islamic arab tribal society worked - you submitted your individuality to the will of the tribe. This is not some racist, bigoted slur, it is historical fact. Its almost embarrassing that I need to explain the difference between judging this tiny pocket of men from a warring tribe over 1400 years ago as a 'mindless collective' - and relegating the entire population of muslims, worldwide, across probably hundreds, if not thousands of different nations and tribes as a mindless collective.