Personally, as an impoverished Aged Pensioner bachelor living in a Caravan Park downwind from Sydney's Tempe Municipal Dump - I've been on the lookout for a cashed-up North Shore widow to lighten my burden, so to speak.
I had hoped codsey-baby would be my ticket out of here, but after interviewing her in my 1950's Winnebago caravan for the position of
de facto wife and financial sponsor of my every worldly need - it transpired that she's as bankrupt as I am, and so I had to personally escort her off the site in order to protect her from the predations of the druggies, the feral kids, and the American Pit Bull Terriers that infest this flea-pit and den of iniquity that reeks 24/7 of the city's mountains of garbage.
And then I spotted Maria's silver tongue and clipped accent hereabouts, and immediately my hopes have soared to new heights of Happy Expectation that all may not yet be lost in my Quest to winkle out from the Bejeweled Upper Classes a mate that might serve my pecuniary purposes.
Welcome to the Board, Maria.
During better times ....