Quote:FD the type of "standards and culture" as you put it, chosen for any given online forums are presumably chosen because it reflects the owner's personal beliefs and values.
I don't make a habit of swearing and insulting people in real life either. This does not mean I think the government should dictate what offence is permissible.
Quote:In your case, you've presumably come to the realisation that having a political discourse that involves hurling personal insults is neither helpful or constructive, and therefore is better left out of it.
Correct. My decision was based on what I see as most encouraging for political debate, rather than my own personal standards. It was a strategic decision. I would prefer not to have to babysit people at all, but I know that would not work.
Quote:It therefore makes absolutely no sense for you to then turn around and say, actually, offending is the be-all and end-all of free speech.
Yes it does. Here's another way of putting it "I may not like what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." This does not mean I think free speech excludes polite speech. Rather, it means that offence is the first to go when freedom of speech is undermined. It is no no way inconsistent to have the strictest personal standards while defending the right of others to have far lower standards. This is what freedom of speech means. It is the essence of all forms of freedom.
Quote:Of course it would be completely different if you said its important that people are not prevented from offending (as I do) - but not to say its the be-all and end-all.
You are splitting hairs here Gandalf. I am not going to argue with you over the meaning of be-all. Freedom of speech includes the right to say things that people find find offensive. It includes the right to mock Muhammed, and to do so exclusively, inelegantly and in poor taste. Whether this is truly the "be-all" is more meaningless waffle. However it absolutely must include that, and such offence is the first target of the censor, and the particular case of mocking Muhammed is at the pointy end of current global efforts to erode freedom of speech.
Quote:The values you at least pay lip service to in the administration of this forum (though admittedly rarely enforce), that personal insults are not conducive to political debate and should be left out of it, is so obviously at odds with your blustering about offense being 'the be-all and end-all' of free speech.
They are entirely consistent, because, as I keep telling you, free speech implies no compulsion to publish. Me making an entirely strategic decision in the running on this forum that is completely detached from my views on freedom of speech does not contradict those views on freedom of speech in any way. You keep insisting that it is obviously at odds with my views, but you are yet to explain how, because it relies on you ignoring what I actually say.
Freedom of speech says nothing at all about what is right, what is constructive, what is moral, ethical or good, and you confuse the issue to insist it does, and to use the term interchangably with morals. You would replace freedom of speech with a whole gamut of conflicting personal values instead of just letting it be what it simply is. You insist that this is a distortion of what freedom is, but it is the essence of freedom. You are free to be an ass, but choosing not to be is not a rejection of freedom or a different kind of freedom, because you are equally free to not be an ass. The choice you make is irrelevant to the meaning of the freedom you are exercising.
This is why you have such trouble pinning down what you are a standard bearer for.