But 'the moslem' living in our midst, will simply continue, with the denials.
Will insist, that such sex crimes have 'nuffin' to do with ISLAM.
And 'the moslem' will continue to insist that; 'We moslems, are virtuous people.'
"Ye [moslems] are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind,
enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors."
Koran 3.110
And the naive Aussie community will simply continue to 'suck up' the blatant and lying denials, which come out of the mouths of spokesmen for the moslem community.
Where is the 'end of the road', for these appalling circumstances ?
What will it take [to happen!!], before Western nations determine that we can no longer 'accommodate' moslems living in our midst ?
Aqsa Mahmood - the pretty moslem medical student, from the UK.
....who reputedly oversees ISIS rape houses in Syria.