And I will keep telling you that I did not hound, threaten, harass, intimidate, bully, overbear (or whatever word you and or Lisa likes to use) anybody, especially Lisa for the password. Why do you not grasp the point that....Lisa did not give me the password no matter which direction you want to come at it from. Unlike others, I will not reveal the content of PMs.....that would be contrary to the Rules, skippeeee.
If Lisa gives her consent that I may do so, I will, but it will be of little relevance. She did not give me the password. There was no hounding. There was no bullying. There was no threatening. There was no harassment. There was no bullying. There was nothing.
More relevantly, there was no deceit. There was no dishonesty other than yours. What your PA Members thought were my personal details were posted at PA, discussed with relish, photos added, and you not only did nothing about lied like a pig in sheet that 'they' had not been posted. FD had to step in to delete it all.