double plus good wrote on Sep 21
st, 2015 at 8:27pm:
It's up to the Europeans to take back control of their countries. Their governments have obviously lost control.
The governments are totally in control of the situation - don't let the Leftwing press fool you.
Question: Have we seen any of the countries deploying their army personnel to safeguard their borders against this Muslim invasion?
Answer: Not one.
So what are armies for? And why not?
course this is an orchestrated invasion that has been secretly organised by the European governments themselves. Only one in five of these mobs is from Syria - while all the rest are from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and elsewhere.
So how did these different nationalities all of a sudden decide on this migration of wildebeest proportions?
Answer: It was planned by European governments themselves, with a few exceptions to the agreement, notably Hungary, Slovenia, Czechoslovakia and Poland - all now being described as
'Far Right' nasty Nazi-type people by the petulant Leftwing media.
If these Syrians and Iraqis are refugees escaping from ISIS - then why did so many of the young men leave their women and children at home?
It's all a planned fraud.