Lord Herbert wrote on Sep 22
nd, 2015 at 1:23pm:
tickleandrose wrote on Sep 22
nd, 2015 at 10:37am:
Afghanistan - we bombed the hell out of them, now the country is in chaos except in the capital.
Iraq - we bombed the hell out of them, now the country is in chaos, except in the capital.
Syria - we are bombing the hell out of them, and now no where in the country is safe.
Libya - we bomibed the hell of them, and now the entire country is in chaos.
Hmm, I wonder if there is a connection....
We bombed the hell out of Vietnam over a period of several years. Troops on the ground as well. Napalm too.
But now the entire country is a thriving South East Asian tourist destination.
Now Tickle - be honest - what is the ONE most outstanding cultural difference between your list of Gone to Hell Middle Eastern basket-case countries - and that of Vietnam ...?
What is the most salient cultural factor that has been militating against the political health of your list of Middle Eastern countries - as against that of Vietnam's prosperous and peaceful existence after having been bombed back to the Stone Age?
I just KNOW gandalf is BUSTING to answer this one .......
Back behind the line gandalf! Wait your turn.
Well, for a start, there is a few differences:
1) When the war had just finished, we had the same problem with refugees from Vietnam, and Cambodia. It took a global response to resolve it.
2) Vietnam war ended in 1975 - 40 years had passed. Our old enemies - Vietnam and China had since become our important trading partners.
3) We are still bombing the crap out of Syria, and Iraq.
4. We are still in the process of toppling Syria government, and bombing ISIL opposition - talk about complications.
5) Libya is in the state of chaos.
I just do not see any ending to this refugee crisis. It will threaten the geo political stability of the Eurozone and middle East, as well as that of Russia. This may well be the trigger for second Cold War and war by proxy. You talked about history. If history is of any relevance, then its that putting more bombs into an area, will just make things worse regardless of the culture or religion.