Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Aug 23
rd, 2015 at 10:23pm:
That's why both sides sell us down the river into the penury of FTAs that benefit us not...
I don't actually remember when it was that the International Socialist Left began their concerted program of openly demonising the preservation of Western homelands for the locals, and the notion that having discriminatory immigration policy was a moral abomination.
I suspect it began in the mid-50s both here and in Britain where the universities began churning out covert Marxists who didn't really think of themselves as Marxists for this being a little too vulgar and obvious, but preferred to think of themselves as 'decent' people with 'a heart' for those less fortunate than themselves - ie the entire Third World, especially those who are most alien in colour and culture to generational Westerners.
And so the universities bred a whole generation of lawyers, literary figures, journalists, political commentators, television identities, radio 'personalities', politicians, doctors' wives, and sundry basket-weavers who genuinely believed that giving away their centuries-old generational Homeland country was the only way to redeem themselves from any accusations of being 'racist, greedy capitalist pigs' with a White Supremacist Complex.
And boy, didn't they succeed beyond even their own wildest dreams.
Who in public life today dares to suggest that perhaps in the interest of our future generations it might be a good time to turn off the tap to Muslim and Negro immigration? Such is the political and moral funk, I can't think of even one beside Rev. Fred Nile of the NSW Upper House.
Vichy Westerners like Gregg, karnel, and John Smith,
et al are symptomatic of the Cult of National Patricide that has grown up over the past few decades against ones own cultural inheritance, race, and historical national identity.
In my day these people were called Conscientious Objectors to taking up arms against foreigners who were actively and militarily in the process of trying to take over their generational homelands. They preferred to allow their own country to be invaded and settled whilst themselves posing as models of moral virtue - very much as we witness here with Gregg, karnel, and John Smith,
et al.
Theirs is the same moral vanity as those of yesteryear who preened themselves as saintly for not being willing to defend their national turf with the use of guns against an armed invasion.
Vichy Australians helping to keep the drawbridge down for yet more years of invasion by people whose default religious imperative is to hate our guts for denying their god any currency in our national life.