bogarde73 wrote on Aug 24
th, 2015 at 2:57pm:
The Germans are the worst off. They are looking at 500,000 this year. Can you imagine that - half a million.
They've been voting for this to happen. They're absolutely delighted that their home country of Germany is in the process of being flooded out with Blacks and Muslims. Germans hate themselves.
"The more Blacks and Muslims - the Better!" is their mantra. They want their country to become even more of a pressure-cooker religious and ethnic mix than it is already.
bogarde73 wrote on Aug 24
th, 2015 at 2:57pm:
When these soft measures fail, as they surely will in the face of a population movement that is not going to stop, harsher measures will be brought to bear.
Exactly so.
'Harsher measures' indeed. That's a nice euphemism for cattle trains, watch-towers, and lots of razor-wire. Storm-trooper clouds are gathering on the horizon even as we speak.
The whole mass-immigration scenario in Europe that is composed mainly of Blacks and Muslims is a custom-made formula for resurrecting Nazis back into power in a dozen different countries
[b]at the demand[/b] of their voting public.