polite_gandalf wrote on Sep 7
th, 2015 at 2:59pm:
The rise of ISIS is a direct result of the catastrophic invasion of Iraq.
Americanophobic nonsense.
The rise of ISIS is a direct result of Sunni Muslims objecting to democracy in Iraq when this meant that the Shia sect could at last have some representation in its parliament - accompanied by a degree of political clout that it never had before. Period.
Isn't it time you stopped propagandising on behalf of the guilty, gandalf?
Why don't you tell us that the only way Muslims can live peacefully with one another in Iraq is under the sort of Police State dictatorship that Saddam Hussein had constructed in order to keep the warring factions apart while they lived in their separate cages?
That's really the bottom line here. The US-Coalition invasion did nothing more than release the religious psychopaths from their different zoos. The US shot the locks off the cage doors, and what we're witnessing now is how Islamic Neanderthals behave when there's no one to stop them.
You might find it edifying and instructive to read 'Lord of the Flies' by William Golding. He explains what happens to a bunch of children on a desert island where there are no adults around to control their behaviour or punish them.
It's a metaphor for what's happening with the ISIS phenomenon.
It's what happens when people whose natural intelligence has been crippled, mutilated and corrupted by years of religious absolutist indoctrination, and are then finally released by circumstances to go wander the countryside like mass-escapees from a lunatic asylum.
The only thing they're not doing is stumbling around in rags while moaning... "brains... I need brains... BRAAAAINS!!" just like in that movie 'Night of the Living Dead'.
Back into your box, gandalf. Nice try, but no hashish this time.