This is an extract from a longer post in the Spirituality Forum here on my post "I AM the most powerful words in the Universe...........
Albert Einstein once said, "Logic will take you from A to B but imagination will take you everywhere."
Ever heard of the words, Living From The End?"
In Romans 4:17, "In the presence of him, whom he believes God, whom gives us life to the dead and calls those things which 'do not exist' as though they did."
...You have to be able to call those things into your own life as though they already do.
You place into your imagination fearlessly the 'I AMS' which you in your Imagination take you Everywhere.
Neville the Philosopher said, " Disregard appearances, conditions in fact disregard all evidence of your senses, that is what your eyes and ears tell you....that deny the fulfilment of your desire, whatever it is that you want to attract into your life.
Rest in the assumption that you already are, what you want to be, for in that determined assumption, you and your infinite being, your extraordinary self, are merged into creative unity and with your infinite being - with God all things are possible - GOD NEVER FAILS.
God said, I AM THAT I AM