"The girl, her parents and some of her siblings are on police bail after being arrested on suspicion of possessing information likely to be useful to those who wanted to commit terrorist acts. Judge Hayden yesterday ordered the family’s passports to be handed to Scotland Yard.
He said the case was one of a number in Tower Hamlets where bright young girls had been seduced by Islamic State as jihadi brides, adding: ‘The reality is the future for such women in Syria, as we know, holds only exploitation, degradation and death.
‘These children with whose future I have been concerned have been at risk of really serious harm, and as such the state is properly obligated to protect them.’linkWhat's the betting this rat's nest of Islamic enemies of the British State get a slap on the wrist by the pathetic do-gooders who preside over Britain's law courts?
Un ... believable. You would think we're talking about an unpaid parking ticket here.
As a country, Britain's entire ruling elite of politicians, academics, media propagandists, and judiciary Civil Servants need to be rounded up and sent by cattle-trains to a special camp deep in the Scottish Highlands ... to be replaced by people who don't suffer fools gladly, and who don't suffer from a Jesus Christ Complex where Muslims and other foreigners in Britain are concerned.
When O when will Britain ever stop behaving like a
de facto Far Leftwing Social Marxist bed-wetting paradise?
Here's another lot who should be rounded up and railroaded to a special camp deep in the Scottish Highlands where no one can hear their screams ...
Home-grown enemies of the British Homeland every bit as vile as the worst of the Islamic terrorists.