"UK Islamist Leader Exposed in Ashley Madison Hack"
http://www.meforum.org/5452/islamists-ashley-madisonBritish ISLAMIST preacher, Hamza Tzortzis.
Stone him.
ISLAM's system of law [Sharia] that states that fornicators should be whipped or beaten, and that adulterers should be put to death.
But why should British ISLAMIST preacher, Hamza Tzortzis, be put to death by stoning ?
Because, Mohammed was an adulterer too.
But none of the 'brothers' [for life] put Mohammed to death by stoning.
According to the [official ISLAMIC] record of his own actions,
Mohammed was clearly a fornicator [and an adulterer], in a legal system that condemns fornication and adultery.
Why wasn't Mohammed to death by stoning ?
"We went out with Allah's Messenger"
= = Mohammed was in the company of these men.
"on the expedition to the Bi'l-Mustaliq and took captive some excellent Arab women"
= = it was some form of raiding party, where they, 'took captive some excellent Arab women'.
"and we desired them"
= = hmmmm, i wonder what that means?
"for we were suffering from the absence of our wives"
= = ah, in the absence they wives, they desired these women for sex, to satisfy their sexual lust.
"(but at the same time) we also desired ransom for them."
= = in their minds, they sought to sexually 'use' these captive Arab women, and then let their menfolk redeem them.
"So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them"
= = yep, Allah's finest, sought to sexually 'use' these 'excellent' captive Arab women.
Those [above] extracts from the Hadith are cited, with references, here;
Bikeway rapist gets 25 years in jailhttp://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1251431040/8#8