LifeOrDeath wrote on Oct 9
th, 2015 at 8:17pm:
Redmond Neck wrote on Sep 5
th, 2015 at 4:56pm:
I heard an interesting interview with a muslim who is studying why young muslims are radicalised. It was on ABC RN Saturday Extra this morning. (Still looking for a poscast)
He reckoned it starts in the family, where the children are really discouraged from mixing with christians and other religions.
A big fear is marrying into other religions so the children are discouraged from mixing
The children grow up with a sense of not belonging in the local society
They tend to the find like minded individuals in their mosques and this can lead to looking for a purpose in life (ISIS)
What are your thoughts?
Certainly the parents as they cannot refute the qu'ran.
The core of islams problem lies with the qu'ran that was solely written for one purpose to control the population and motivate them to take over the rest of the world.
Its so outdated and obvious its laughable..
Parents cannot simply refute its commands to their children to commit these atrocities.
For them to do so they would be calling mohammed and allah liars which of course they are only myths. Moslem parents [in a nation like Australia] cannot simply refute the Koran's commands, i.e. the Koran's commands which encourage moslems [i.e. and to teach their children] to commit religious violence against 'disbelievers'.
Why not ?
If they did; The moslem parents would lay themselves open to charges of religious apostasy [from their own community] and therefore make themselves targets of moslem religious violence.
as per the command of their religion
--------- >
"...the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him."
hadithsunnah/bukhari/ #004.052.260
And non-moslems cannot be permitted to simply [i.e. 'openly'] refute the Koran's commands, which encourages moslems [i.e. and to teach their children] to commit religious violence against 'disbelievers'.
Why not ?
Because that would be an act of religious intolerance, by a 'racist'. < ------ I am not kidding!! That is how both left liberals and moslems, often portray any criticism of the 'peaceful religion' of ISLAM. e.g. In just that last day or two, no lesser person that
Malcolm Turnbull has come very close to characterising opponents of ISLAM in Australia, in this way.
In places [nations] where the Koran is held in high regard, AND, where the Koran is protected by local law, refute the Koran's commands [i.e. to insult Allah's perfect religion] often results in the summary execution of the individual simply
accused of that crime, at the hands of an enraged mob.
LifeOrDeath wrote on Oct 9
th, 2015 at 8:17pm:
Thats why we have nutjobs running around everywhere trying to explain it away of course which they obviously fail miserable and just look fools.
I don't blame the 'nutjobs' for the appearance of
religious violence and
the threat of religious violence, on the streets our cities and suburbs in Australia.
I blame people like
Malcolm Turnbull
In actual fact;
'radicalisation' = = becoming a [devout]
Yadda said..... Quote:
Are parents to blame for radicalisation ?
QUESTION;Why would anyone doubt that moslems [and the local moslem community] are those who are primarily responsible, for the 'radicalisation' of all local moslems, and particularly the 'radicalisation' of their own moslem children ?
In actual fact;
'radicalisation' = = becoming a [devout]
Muslim = = a follower of Islam.