mothra wrote on Sep 30
th, 2015 at 5:58pm:
freediver wrote on Sep 30
th, 2015 at 1:19pm:
Who is to blame for your radicalisation Gandalf? Who alienated you?
And most importantly of all, under what circumstances should we kill gay people?
I have never gleaned even the remotest notion that Gandalf is either radicalised or alienated.
What gives you this impression FD?
FD once interpreted my argument that gays should not be killed for being gay as a call to execute gays for flaunting their sexuality "mardis gras style". When I refuted this he resorted to the "oh it was so long ago - I can't be expected to remember" defense. Despite this seeming acknowledgement of error, he refused to retract the claim and when pushed decided to dig in with a new defense, which was "thats how I interpreted it at the time". He did this despite being shown the exact quotes showing not only I said nothing of the kind, but in fact said the exact opposite. As you can see now, this line of his has evolved to become "gandalf has never given a straight answer" - on the subject of when gays should be killed.
And thats what FD does - he asks me questions to which I reply with the straightest answer possible. 6 months or so down the track he brings up the same questions, claiming that I had either been tricky and evasive in answering the first time, or completely misrepresenting what my answer was - and very often both.
My "extremism", you see is a product of a) FD deciding I'm deliberately tricky and evasive - specifically as a way of masking my true beliefs which are naturally horrible and extreme, and b) FD literally making stuff up about what I said - killing mardi gras gays being a case in point.