skippy. wrote on Sep 8
th, 2015 at 5:58pm:
Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 7
th, 2015 at 10:26pm:
Harvesting PMs and sharing them? You have me confused with AiA. AiA DID publish about 15 PMs sent to him by a female member who thought the creep was a friend. AiA then went away for several days leaving the PMs posted in the cesspit.
Want to try again, Skip?
I pointed out in the post prior to this monk and Aussie had contacted posters work places. Monk,, as you see went into denial mode to start with but has now backed down. Aussie just went into justification mode he knew denial was useless in this instance. Monk has since admitted to harvesting IPs too. You two are delusional. This little ditty suits you both ..Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!- Sir Walter Scott.

so this little attempt to undermine PA is working really well for you ,monk.
There you go the silly self validation rubbish. That I could contact Mattus was openly discussed. Whether I should was also openly discussed, and I posted my reluctance. I allowed myself to be swayed by AiA and the relative importance of the need to contact Mattus.
You know that, everyone who was there knows it, so why the hairy chested beat up now skippeeeee?
I'm not going to go into the details you already know about skippeee, but you and I and just about everyone knows that your PA is the absolute pits with zero redeeming feature.
You are lucky FD keeps it going.
There's an idea skippeeee. Why don't you unburden him from hosting the cess pit. Stop bludging off others and stand alone, and pay your own way. I know FD's not complaining, but why is it that PA is so piss weak that it refuses to pay its own way? After all, with SN and NOIQ, there is plenty of www know how. Why don't you break away, stand on your own feet, and no-one here need hear about PA ever again. You lot can post as much personal information about me and Monk and whoever else you like with total immunity.
Why not, skippeeee? No guts?