skippy. wrote on Sep 8
th, 2015 at 8:38pm:
Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 8
th, 2015 at 8:16pm:
skippy. wrote on Sep 8
th, 2015 at 8:02pm:
Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 8
th, 2015 at 7:54pm:
And I guess Skip WAS hurling unfounded abuse my way. Not that I expect a correction.
This thread was started by you to hurl abuse mummsy boy, its not my fault if your feeble attempts backfire on you. The posters here have now seen a little more of what you and baldy are like when in control of a forum and it ain't pretty.
Ummm I posted that SN was using an avatar based on a photo of my face. That was accurate. So much for hurling rocks, but I guess the distinction is not one Skip can grasp. I have not looked up the work number of a single Animal at any time, and that will be borne out by the record there.
You stole artwork and set it up as your own on a bog you call a forum and you have the hide to whine about someone using an avatar based on your face? What sort of hypocrite are you? You didn't just steal the artwork you stole the bloody name, man do you have any shame? No, don't bother answering that I already know the answer.
I'll answer, because you have no idea skippeeee, not being there at the relevant time. AnimalMother claimed to have created that tiger logo years ago.....and as the years have passed and I became more www confidence in the veracity of that has waned. But, no matter...because he posted at large his consent that it may be used by others....and that is what Monk has done.
As for the name....
Political Animal. You have to be kidding me. When JJJ commenced it, there were many existing www sites called
Political Animal.
Silly 'Johnny come lately' people like you skippeeee get sucked in by people whom you think were there when this all happened way back almost, if not, 15 years ago when it all began, and when AM gave that consent less than 15 or so years ago. None of them have the slightest idea.
I do, and I know you will just ignore that, but I don't care in the least. I know the truth and the entire history. You don't.
I do.
Quote:You have Aussie to thank for me setting up that board.
That is correct. I banned Monk, and he had the guts to start his own Board in response. It is still going and I'll bet, has far more readers than your Cess Pit attracts, skippeeee.
"How's it going curly, old fella."