mariacostel wrote on Sep 11 th, 2015 at 8:09pm: Baronvonrort wrote on Sep 11 th, 2015 at 8:07pm: mariacostel wrote on Sep 11 th, 2015 at 7:52pm: Baronvonrort wrote on Sep 11 th, 2015 at 7:36pm: mariacostel wrote on Sep 11 th, 2015 at 7:31pm: Baronvonrort wrote on Sep 11 th, 2015 at 7:28pm: mariacostel wrote on Sep 11 th, 2015 at 7:04pm: Baronvonrort wrote on Sep 11 th, 2015 at 6:55pm: mariacostel wrote on Sep 11 th, 2015 at 6:35pm: And we are back in Redneck Wonderland.
If a lunatic goes into a school to kill kids what is the difference if he is armed with a brick or a gun? Since I can't trust you with coming up with the answer on your own I will provide it. With the gun we are talking perhaps as many as 50. With a brick, probably one, maybe two, possibly none.
Intent is the same - murderous rage. That we cannot easily stop. But we can stop them having weapons to increase the body count. The rednecks are not the probem, the black firearm homicide is 7 times higher than white people, blacks are 13% of he population and account for over 50% of all homcides. Gangsta rap is a bigger problem than rednecks. Schools have been gun free zones since the 1980's,all the mass shooting tend to happen in gun free zones they never happen at NRA conventions or gun shows where people walk around armed.The worst mass murderers in NSW,QLD and VIC lit fires to kill their innocent victims, they have a higher bodycounts than our second worst mass shooting. That is supremely illogical. Mass shootings in schools do not occur because schools are gun-free zones. They occur because everywhere else IS a gun zone. This whole debate occurs because a woman was shot. There are many cities in the USA (gun central) where a single night without a gun death is considered a rarity and in some has not happened in decades. The oddest thing is the notion that somehow, gun deaths are not related to guns, a bit like how car deaths are not in any way related to cars. The movie theatre mass shootings were done in gun free zones, nutjobs prefer gun free zones because nobody can shoot back, the majority of these nutjobs shoot themselves when a good guy with a gun turns up. There are many cities in the USA which have lower homicide rates than Australia despite the fact everyone is armed to the hilt with AR15's and pistols,like Plano Texas. This guy tells all the facts hoplophobes ignore. And yet 50,000 people die annually from guns. Is that not the stat which essentially debunks your point of how 'safe' guns are? 16,000 homicides in the USA with 11,000 of them done with guns. Suicide is a separate issue, Phil Bolger was a friend of mine who lived in the USA, he was in his 80's when he shot himself because he didn't want to end up like previous generations of his family who had dementia. The funny thing is most hoplophobes like you support assisted suicide as long as they don't use a gun Stop using stupid terms like 'hoplophobe'. It makes you look foolish and you would do well to keep your comments on suicide based on thigs I've actually said rather than making them up like a troll. Your death figures are understated but even if they arent, how is 11,000 gun deaths something to praise or be unconcerned by? It is 10-15 times our rate of gun death. You are a hoplophobe your posts prove it. My death figures are not understated yours are typical hoplophobic inflated. Quote:All Homicides 16,121 deaths , 5.1 per 100,000 Firearm homicides 11,208 , 3.5 per 100,000 fall deaths 30,208 deaths , 9.6 per 100,000 Motor vehicle deaths 33,804 deaths ,10.7 per 100,000 Unintentional poisoning deaths 38,851 deaths , 12.3 per 100,000 30,000 people killed from accidental falls is nothing to be proud of. Do you want the link which puts blacks at 12% of the population and they account for 50% of the firearm homicides? Racism and ignorance combined. A truly wonderful coupling. Goodbye. The offending rate for blacks in 7 times higher for homcides than the offending rate for whites, you are the hoplohpobic hypocrite who singled out rednecks then cry racism when facts are pointed out. This link is credible,page 11 are rather ignorant, how did your gun laws prevent this guy from getting an illegal pistol, how did the AVO protect the poor woman in the OP?