crocodile wrote on Sep 23
rd, 2015 at 10:07pm:
stunspore wrote on Sep 23
rd, 2015 at 11:36am:
In other words, to compete globally, drop worker wages to $2 per day.
Or get productivity growth back to where it was before the decade and a half long slide
How would
you do that Croc?
Trying to alter the indoctrinated mantra from penalising business for trying to compete, to rewarding individual efficiencies perhaps?
Collective work agreements don't do this. They reward inefficiency. Unproductive workers can hide amongst the more productive.
Individual work contracts reward individual productivity. Labor & the Unions trashed AWAs. Labor and the Unions rejected productivity improvements just as they are now trying to block FTAs.
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Sep 23
rd, 2015 at 10:12pm:
Real productivity, as in manufactured goods good enough to sell..
That's the point. The Australian manufacturer has to compete against other manufacturers. As Croc pointed out Australian manufacturers have a plethora of overheads..........
crocodile wrote on Sep 21
st, 2015 at 11:06pm:
That's the rub. There are so many burdens and impediments to running a business today. The productivity commission for some reason chooses to look at only one element. To forget about compliance costs, regulatory and statutory obligations, OH&S, Workcover, Payroll tax, ASIC, BAS and a multitude of others is to ignore a herd of elephants in the room all for the sake a mouse.
The bottom line is........with all that added on crap + illogical penalty rates to pay, manufacturers and lots of other business have just given up. Who is going to risk their hard earned in that scenario?