jenny wrote on Sep 19
th, 2015 at 3:49pm:
See what I mean? Not one lefty had replied with any care or compassion for this poor Christian girl. All because she is Christian. Had she been Muslim we wouldn't hear the end of it. But instead apathy and silence.
You've got your finger on the pulse with these craven Leftwing reprobates.
Remember the activist feminists who were always on the TV talk shows?
Germaine Greer and the Sisterhood? Whinging and whining about how women were being poorly treated, and regarded as disenfranchised second class citizens in a male-dominated society?
And then the Muslims arrived in large number from around 1973.
Hijabs, burqas, niqabs, arranged marriages, female cliterotomies, chattels, sharia law, 'honour killings of daughters' etc etc ... and total male domination in the Muslim community.
And that's precisely when the professional feminists began to disappear from the media in droves, rather than face some awkward questions about why they aren't publicly condemning Muslim culture and social values for being so medieval.