Lisa Jones wrote on Sep 29
th, 2015 at 9:18am:
greggerypeccary wrote on May 29
th, 2427 at 10:03am:
double plus good wrote on Sep 28
th, 2015 at 6:58pm:
Johnsmith wrote on Sep 28
th, 2015 at 6:39pm:
double plus good wrote on Sep 28
th, 2015 at 6:19pm:
That's one of John Smith's tennents when he jacks the rent up by $100 on one of his slums.
no, that's your wife when I told her she had to go back to you!
That's your wife after you forced yourself on to her.
I didn't have to force myself onto your wife.
(I did have to ask her to shave though) What a filthy vile piece of sh1T you are.
this is possibly true but the correct rightard position when dealing with the hypocritical left (who support feminist extremism and then post things like this ..OMG) is to reflect upon the neurosis of the left.
Paradoxically, when the left reveal themselves for the people they are(very angry and quite dysfunctional) one should have the thought process of
"there but for the grace of god, go i"
they serve as a warning about ones life direction.
as i have said before.
find out what the left watch on tv and dont watch it.
find out what the left read and dont read it.
fill your mind with good rightard positive psychology.
your brain is like a factory and the ingredients you fill it with determine the purity of the product.
one of the most important things in manufacturing is to keep out the impurities.
dont let the impurity of leftard hypocrisy disturb what you are trying to set your mind to.
associate only with positive , driven, purposeful, achieving rightards...this is my best advice