polite_gandalf wrote on Sep 29
th, 2015 at 10:50am:
I was gobsmacked listening to a cabinet minister attempting to sell the government's direct action plan - specifically by comparing it to the 'rip off' carbon tax, and claiming that they are the saviours of the consumer's hip-pocket by taking the carbon tax off their electricity bill.
The very idea is pure comedy given that direct action consists of paying billions of tax-payer money to big business to say "pretty please, can you reduce your emissions?" Which becomes even more of a farce now we know that most of the money has gone to emission-reducing projects that industry was going to do anyway!
This is billions of dollars that could be going into schools and hospitals. Not to mention the billions that have been lost in lost carbon tax revenue.
Tony should have asked Barnaby how much more his beloved constituency will be paying in medical bills because his government is diverting literally billions for a different carbon tax.
The problem is, Barnaby's got Turnbull over a barrel on this one. The whole electricity prices versus action on climate change ruse is a complete porkie. With the carbon tax, the electricity companies were free to change to renewables and avoid paying the tax.
With direct action, the taxpayer pays the electricity companies to do what they were going to do anyway. And Barnaby gets away with pretending he's keeping electricity costs down for the poorest people in Australia.
The National Party must have had a revelation. They've gone from defending the mining companies and electricity generators who pay for their re-election to speaking up for pensioners.
Given the effect of the carbon tax on electricity bills, this has to be the biggest con ever dumped on the Australian public.