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We ran out of oil this year, don't you know (Read 1070 times)
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We ran out of oil this year, don't you know
Sep 30th, 2015 at 9:40pm

Scientists - sorry, statisticians - and their predictions.

40 years on, some kids on the green/prog end of the lunatic scale are still hot for this kind of 'prediction.

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Australian Politics

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Re: We ran out of oil this year, don't you know
Reply #1 - Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:07pm
Looks like the old boy’s going for the research assistant position with Andrew Bolt.

Fingers crossed, dear boy. Make sure you hide the colostomy bag under your suit, okay?
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Re: We ran out of oil this year, don't you know
Reply #2 - Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:26pm
Karnal wrote on Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:07pm:
Looks like the old boy’s going for the research assistant position with Andrew Bolt.

Fingers crossed, dear boy. Make sure you hide the colostomy bag under your suit, okay?

Hmmm    Undecided

What do a colostomy bag and Andrew Bolt have in common?

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Re: We ran out of oil this year, don't you know
Reply #3 - Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:27pm
Palestinians have colostomy bags. Looks like the old boy’s colostomy burqa is leaking onto the keyboard through the slit. Gross
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Re: We ran out of oil this year, don't you know
Reply #4 - Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:29pm
greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:26pm:
Karnal wrote on Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:07pm:
Looks like the old boy’s going for the research assistant position with Andrew Bolt.

Fingers crossed, dear boy. Make sure you hide the colostomy bag under your suit, okay?

Hmmm    Undecided

What do a colostomy bag and Andrew Bolt have in common?

you're not paying attention are you?

the answer is Soren of course
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When politicians offer you something for nothing, or something that sounds too good to be true, it's always worth taking a careful second look.
(Malcolm Turncoat)
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Re: We ran out of oil this year, don't you know
Reply #5 - Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:29pm
Johnsmith wrote on Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:29pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:26pm:
Karnal wrote on Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:07pm:
Looks like the old boy’s going for the research assistant position with Andrew Bolt.

Fingers crossed, dear boy. Make sure you hide the colostomy bag under your suit, okay?

Hmmm    Undecided

What do a colostomy bag and Andrew Bolt have in common?

you're not paying attention are you?

the answer is Soren of course


I thought they were both full of sh1t.

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Re: We ran out of oil this year, don't you know
Reply #6 - Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:32pm
greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:29pm:
Johnsmith wrote on Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:29pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:26pm:
Karnal wrote on Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:07pm:
Looks like the old boy’s going for the research assistant position with Andrew Bolt.

Fingers crossed, dear boy. Make sure you hide the colostomy bag under your suit, okay?

Hmmm    Undecided

What do a colostomy bag and Andrew Bolt have in common?

you're not paying attention are you?

the answer is Soren of course


I thought they were both full of sh1t.

wasn't that what I said?
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When politicians offer you something for nothing, or something that sounds too good to be true, it's always worth taking a careful second look.
(Malcolm Turncoat)
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Re: We ran out of oil this year, don't you know
Reply #7 - Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:35pm
Johnsmith wrote on Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:32pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:29pm:
Johnsmith wrote on Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:29pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:26pm:
Karnal wrote on Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:07pm:
Looks like the old boy’s going for the research assistant position with Andrew Bolt.

Fingers crossed, dear boy. Make sure you hide the colostomy bag under your suit, okay?

Hmmm    Undecided

What do a colostomy bag and Andrew Bolt have in common?

you're not paying attention are you?

the answer is Soren of course


I thought they were both full of sh1t.

wasn't that what I said?

Ah, yes!

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Re: We ran out of oil this year, don't you know
Reply #8 - Sep 30th, 2015 at 11:02pm
Uh oh! ... looks like someone has exposed the idiot left to a dose of reality again, reality to the idiot left is like kryptonite to Superman, even a mild exposure to reality will cripple them and turn them into gibbering idiots.
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Lionel Edriess
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Re: We ran out of oil this year, don't you know
Reply #9 - Oct 1st, 2015 at 12:00am

greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:26pm:
Karnal wrote on Sep 30th, 2015 at 10:07pm:
Looks like the old boy’s going for the research assistant position with Andrew Bolt.

Fingers crossed, dear boy. Make sure you hide the colostomy bag under your suit, okay?

Hmmm    Undecided

What do a colostomy bag and Andrew Bolt have in common?

A gut-full of commentary like yours?


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Toughen up, Australia!
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Pho Huc
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Re: We ran out of oil this year, don't you know
Reply #10 - Oct 1st, 2015 at 12:11pm
In all seriousness I wonder how much oil OPEC has left?
Most of the member states have been revising their reserve estimates upwards each year without any new field discoveries to enable them to sell more oil each year.
While they are going strong now I suspect that we wont get a huge amount of warning when the do finally dry up.
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The law locks up the man who steals the goose from the common, but leaves the greater criminal loose who steals the common from the goose (convict saying)
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Gold Member

MediocrityNET: because
people died for this!

Posts: 26966
Re: We ran out of oil this year, don't you know
Reply #11 - Oct 1st, 2015 at 6:28pm
Pho Huc wrote on Oct 1st, 2015 at 12:11pm:
In all seriousness I wonder how much oil OPEC has left?
Most of the member states have been revising their reserve estimates upwards each year without any new field discoveries to enable them to sell more oil each year.
While they are going strong now I suspect that we wont get a huge amount of warning when the do finally dry up.

You are saying mass-panic is on the cards!??!
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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MediocrityNET: because
people died for this!

Posts: 26966
Re: We ran out of oil this year, don't you know
Reply #12 - Oct 1st, 2015 at 6:32pm
innocentbystander. wrote on Sep 30th, 2015 at 11:02pm:
Uh oh! ... looks like someone has exposed the idiot left to a dose of reality again, reality to the idiot left is like kryptonite to Superman, even a mild exposure to reality will cripple them and turn them into gibbering idiots.   

which is why innocent still believes young libs love copper internet  Smiley Smiley
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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Re: We ran out of oil this year, don't you know
Reply #13 - Oct 1st, 2015 at 6:51pm
Pho Huc wrote on Oct 1st, 2015 at 12:11pm:
In all seriousness I wonder how much oil OPEC has left?
Most of the member states have been revising their reserve estimates upwards each year without any new field discoveries to enable them to sell more oil each year.
While they are going strong now I suspect that we wont get a huge amount of warning when the do finally dry up.

It's more about whether or not the oil can be extracted, or is worth extracting, than how much is underground.

The oil reserve tends to change with technology and the dollar value of oil, so 20 years ago, the limit was about how deep they could drill, and how much profit they'd make. If the price per barrel flatlines, or falls, it might then cost more to pump the oil up, than it's worth on the market.
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"I just get sick of people who place a label on someone else with their own definition.

It's similar to a strawman fallacy"
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: We ran out of oil this year, don't you know
Reply #14 - Oct 2nd, 2015 at 12:18am

"Oil is the lifeblood of the modern world, and the combustion engine its indomitable heart. In 2009, oil wells around the world pumped an estimated 84 to 85 million barrels out of the Earth, and countries consumed just as much [source: EIA]. At this rate, how long can we go on pumping fossil fuels out of the ground without exhausting our supplies?

Naturally, we can't tap and drain an entire planet's worth of oil from a single well. Countless oil wells pox Earth's surface: some active, some long drained. Each oil well follows a production bell curve, with output rising, stabilizing and then declining to nothing over a period of years. This is called the Hubbert Curve, proposed in 1956 by Shell geologist M. King Hubbert.

Hubbert also extrapolated his curve to global oil production. Oil companies discover the large, easily exploited oil fields first and then move onto smaller, deeper oil fields when the large ones decline. New technology also continues to make previously unexploited oil deposits viable reserves. The overall curve predicts that global production will rise, peak and then fall off.

Before this gradual downfall begins, however, we'll reach a point known as peak oil. Imagine a carafe filled with coffee. Imagine pouring cup after cup without effort until the stream of java begins to trickle. Eventually you even have to severely tilt the carafe in order to drain the dredges. Peak oil is that last full and flowing cup before the final decline begins. Demand continues to grow, while the Earth's nonrenewable oil reserves dwindle.

Individual nations have already reached peak oil. U.S. production peaked in 1971 and has been in decline ever since [source: EIA]. As global oil production appears to have plateaued in 2005, some analysts say the world has already peaked. Fredrik Robelius of the Uppsala Hydrocarbon Depletion Study Group, however, predicts it will peak sometime between now and 2018 [source: ASPO].

Other estimates are far less severe. In 2006, the Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) predicted that 3.74 trillion barrels of oil remained in the Earth, three times that estimated by peak oil proponents. CERA predicted that global oil production would hit a decades-long "undulating plateau" around the middle of the 21st century.

What happens after peak oil? The worst-case oil crash predictions involve soaring gas prices, the end of globalization, widespread anarchy and the relentless exploitation of previously protected drilling sites.

More optimistic views of this inevitable post-peak world involve a lot more preparation. Basically, the impact of oil shortages can be lessened by decreasing our reliance on fossil fuels. Alternative energy sources and renewable biofuels play a crucial role in these outlooks. Some commentators even go so far as to see eventual oil shortfalls as a stabilizing factor in world politics [source: Drezner].

The writing is on the wall. Global oil supply can't meet global oil demand forever, necessitating new energy sources and usage practices. Even if technology allowed us to harvest every last drop of oil in the planet, increasing scarcity and rising prices would necessitate widespread change long before we actually ran out of oil."
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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