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MediocrityNET: because people died for this!
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mariacostel wrote on Oct 2 nd, 2015 at 4:23pm: Pho Huc wrote on Oct 2 nd, 2015 at 1:41pm: mariacostel wrote on Oct 2 nd, 2015 at 11:57am: gizmo_2655 wrote on Oct 1 st, 2015 at 6:51pm: Pho Huc wrote on Oct 1 st, 2015 at 12:11pm: In all seriousness I wonder how much oil OPEC has left? Most of the member states have been revising their reserve estimates upwards each year without any new field discoveries to enable them to sell more oil each year. While they are going strong now I suspect that we wont get a huge amount of warning when the do finally dry up. It's more about whether or not the oil can be extracted, or is worth extracting, than how much is underground. The oil reserve tends to change with technology and the dollar value of oil, so 20 years ago, the limit was about how deep they could drill, and how much profit they'd make. If the price per barrel flatlines, or falls, it might then cost more to pump the oil up, than it's worth on the market. I remember being told countless times that there would be no petrol by *insert year* and they were wrong every time. Now the USA and Canada are oil independent and even in Australia, there is a probable oil field in the southern ocean larger than the Saudi oil fields. Looks like time to dust of the next set of oil predictions so we can laugh at them in 20 years as well. Your so right Maria. Since we keep finding new sources of oil we obviously have an infinite supply of it, and there is no point thinking about it running out. Your very, very wise. Sarcasm aside, hopefully the oil supply will hold out long enough that we will be able to get the alternative technologies developed before they are essential. We don't have to run out of oil completely for it to become a crisis. Petrochemicals are essentials to so many of our industries that even a slight reduction in supply creates chaos. Then you have to factor in growth of consumption in the developing world. The 1st world isn't going to stop using oil, BRIC's is going to start going through a lot more. I don't think freaking out is appropriate, but I would support massively increasing funding to bio-fuel research to speed a source of a replacement hydrocarbons. I had only ONE point in my post - the repeated failure of oil supply predictions. Obviously, it is not infinite, but it may be 200-300 years. I don't know, but rather obviously, neither does anyone else. maria is a doubt-merchant: who would've have guessed that ?