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My Heart beats True for the Red White & Blue...
Posts: 11639
Marla wrote on Oct 1 st, 2015 at 10:08am: Panther wrote on Oct 1 st, 2015 at 8:32am: Europe is being systematically Invaded....Not by hundreds of thousands upon thousands of needy, scared, starving, women, & children.
No Europe, & subsequently the World, has unwittingly open the floodgates to ISIS & all the other Jihadist factions that seek to destroy Western Society & Culture that conflict with Islam....their Islam.
This is but one very revealing viewpoint:
The wolves, dressed as sheep, have knocked at the door, & Europe along with the blindly sympathetic free world, has unwittingly welcomed them in with open arms, much to their eventual detriment. 
Christ, if I was a mod on this forum I would put an end to these ridiculous, bigoted, xenophobic post that have no basis other than paranoia such as this. Oh cry me a friggin' river .... Very lame retort there Marla.....
BTW....ya forgot my favorite.....racist , why? Because it's become too meaningless, & has been so overused & exaggerated that it actually causes blow-back on the issuing user? Or maybe it's because you can't confront the issue with facts of your own to support a position, therefore you need to stymie the debate somehow, so trash talk the poster (yours truly) rather than form a constructive thought of your own.
And, at the end of the day, I would still support your right to say the drivel you have, as opposed to your remedy that would resort to restricting the right to free speech because you disagree with what's said.
Tap some grey matter Marla.....we both know it's in there somewhere. 