Violence Line
If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, you can ring the Domestic Violence Line for help on 1800 656 463 (TTY 1800 671 442).
The Domestic Violence Line is a statewide free-call number and is available 24 hours, seven days a week.
Trained caseworkers
The Domestic Violence Line provides telephone counselling, information and referrals for women and same-sex partners who are experiencing or have experienced domestic violence.
Trained female caseworkers are sensitive to the needs of people who have experienced domestic violence.
Domestic Violence Line staff are aware of the special needs of Aboriginal women and women from other cultures, as well as those living in rural and remote areas.
Interpreters and TTY can be arranged where necessary to ensure that all people, regardless of their language or disability can use the service.
The service has an extensive list of contacts, people and services across NSW who can help.
Refuge referrals
The Domestic Violence Line makes referrals to women's refuges and explains what they are and what they do.
It also makes referrals to family support services, counselling, the police and courts, lawyers and hospitals. It helps with transport, emergency accommodation and other relevant support.AVOs
Caseworkers can explain what an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) is and how to obtain one. Police intervention can be arranged where appropriate and assistance can be provided to transport women and children to a safe place.
other support, information and counselling on domestic violence
If you are experiencing domestic violence, or know someone who is, there are many organisations who can help. Here are some useful links and helplines:
Rape Crisis Centre/Sexual Assault Hotline 02 9819 6565 or 1800 424 017
1800RESPECT A national Line which can support victims of trauma
Womens Legal Services NSW Domestic Violence Advocacy Service (DVAS) 1800 810 784 or 02 8745 6999
Immigrant Womens Speakout Association of NSW 02 9635 8022
RSPCA Safe Pets Program 02 9770 7555
The RSPCA Safe Beds for Pets program provides temporary housing for pets of people who are seeking refuge from domestic violence
Domestic violence at work provides information and support to working women experiencing domestic violence on how to stay safe at work
Victims Access Line 1800 633 063
Provides confidential support, referral and information for victims of crime
Another Closet services and Information on violence in gay and lesbian relationships
Mensline a 24 hour service for men which has counsellors who are trained in dealing with male victims of domestic violence
Womens Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Program 1300 888 529
The Womens Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services (WDVCASs) provide court support, advocacy, referrals and information. Some WDVCAS have specialist workers to help Aboriginal women, or women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
Looks easy hey.
Call, talk....they will help you with next step planning.
Problem no 1.
Getting a call through in the 1st place.Expect to wait forever IF your call gets through.
This needs to change.