Johnsmith wrote on Oct 2
nd, 2015 at 9:45pm:
if they worked on their self esteem they wouldn't worry about what someone says on the net
Actually its resilience more so than self esteem on its own. However, the they you speak of are the victims.... So rather than say abuse is wrong, you say the victim should harden up.
By definition mate, that is victim blaming, you can deny it all you like, but it is what it is.
I am all for us building up our kids resilience, however, not every individual has the same capacity there.
Please stop blaming the victims, it is the bully after all who is in the wrong don't you think?
Johnsmith wrote on Oct 2
nd, 2015 at 9:45pm:
I just don't see how someone can care so much what some anonymous person on the www says ... if they do they have bigger problems than what the person on the www says
So because your vision in this is limited (by your own admission) you should set the bench mark for others?
No mate, victim blaming is exactly what you are doing.
The bully needs to learn not to be a bully.
The rest was opinionated (yep I know its all OPINION) and ill informed rubbish.
The high incidents of self harm and youth suicide, directly relating to bullying are because of the despicable actions of bullies. A lot has been done on building resilience, particularly with young people, however, there are sound reasons why a significant amount of work goes into STOPPING BULLYING - Having good resilience is helpful generally in life, however, it is not and should not be used as a defense, justification or excuse to allow bullies to run the race...
The issue is the bully, not whether their target needs to harden up or not.
It's pretty amazing, even in this tawdry little microcosm that you can't recognise how people target each other - you even do that....
Let's face it, no one doing the targeting goes for people who might be a challenge, ignore them etc etc etc - bully's deliberately pick their marks...