Soren wrote on Oct 7 th, 2015 at 8:48pm: Brian Ross wrote on Oct 5 th, 2015 at 9:00pm: Soren wrote on Oct 5 th, 2015 at 11:28am: Brian Ross wrote on Oct 5 th, 2015 at 12:20am: So, safe and sound behind your computer you came to that conclusion, reading all those other Islamophobic pundits, did you, Soren? Most cultures (not all, I'm willing to admit) aspire to the same things, more or less, Soren. Arab, Persian, North African, sub-saharan African, South, South-east Asian, they all aspire to the same set of ideals as does the West and East, North and South, Soren. Their means of achieving them might be different, but they aren't that different. That you look at the differences rather than the similarities suggests what about your attitudes? Mmmm? Why are the Africans, Arabs, other Third Worlders shooce their means as they do when those means are obviously ineffective or outright counter-productive? Because they are their means, Soren. You could ask the same question about supposed Western superiority. Industrialisation, mining, industrialised farming, fracking, industrialised fishing, you name it and to what worth for the environment upon which it all depends? Bombing and killing innocent civilians? Just another form of industrialised death machines. What has all that achieved, Soren, really when we have fools like yourself with your endless bleating about how much you hate and despise everything and everybody who dares to be different to how you believe they should be! Quote:Because they want different things MORE than they want harmony, prosperity, cooperation. It is not hard to cooperate if you WANT to. It is only hard to cooperate when people don't really want to cooperate because they want something even more - like tribal domination, corruption, feuding, status and so on. o True and you believe hatred, despise and killing will make them change their minds, Soren? Really? We've seen a succession of wars where the great big, nasty United States got trounced by some lowly little guerrilla blokes. What did they achieve? I do not care what they do, what means they choose - as long as they stay where they are. If they are not interested in adopting Western means, values, institutions, fine. But then stay the hell out of the West. To repeat - Islamic ways of living and doing things bring zero improvement to the West. Third world ways of living and doing are the same. The West has nothing to learn from backward cultures like Islam. Individuals from around the world can and do bring improvements - but that is because they come precisely in the spirit of Western free inquiry and creativity , not in the spirit of Islamic submission to dogma. That freedom and creativity are the key - and they are uniquely Western. Fit in with that if you want to come to the West or stay in you Thirdy Worldy cultural backwater of clannish, tribal macho obsession with face, pride, submission. The West has fought long and hard to shed these manias. No need to let them in under the guise of 'diversity' or 'multiculturalism' or, god help us, 'tolerance'. We must not tolerate the backwardness that we have fought so hard to shed and leave behind. It must not creep back in under the guise of diversity, tolerance etc. Good of you to repeat it, dear boy. Lest we forget, no?