Soren wrote on Oct 15
th, 2015 at 10:12pm:
Complete bollocks, of course. The 'Christianity used to be like Islam' line is a load of utter nonsense, no wonder you peddle it, Brain.
We've been down this road before, Soren. You were unable to accept that Christianity has a past that is just as violent, just as bigoted and just as hateful as anything you like to claim about Islam. I've no desire to rub your nose in it again.
Quote:The pertinent question is: why hasn't Islam evolved? Christianity has changed, why doesn't Submission? (because you can't change 'Submission' to ' reasoned and considered agreement', that's why).
You do take things far too literally, Soren, you realise that? Christianity changed because of it's venal corruption, forgotten what Martin Luther nailed to the door of the Church? Islam has changed since the time of Mohammed, markedly so, despite what many conservative Muslims might believe. You, like them, refuse however to accept the reality of that. I wonder why?