issuevoter wrote on Oct 5
th, 2015 at 9:19pm:
Terrorist are groups, rarely individual, who plan and commit violent acts in public to create fear. Terror is their intention.
Unless new facts come to light, Farhad Mohammad does not appear to have wished to terrorise the public.
He acted very much like other brain-dead Muzzlims who get hopped up on the Koran and work themselves up into a frenzy, and then commit murder. It used to be called running amok, and was expected of Muzzlim communities.
Our government and media are latching onto the term Terrorist as they always do after Muzzlim atrocities. It is to deflect blame form its rightful place, which is in the Koran. Read it, if you don’t believe me.
What you suggested is both mistaken, and, 'muddying the water', imo.
Farhad Mohammad was a moslem.
Moslems follow ISLAMIC doctrine.
ISLAMIC doctrine promotes the behaviour of moslems [political violence], which will frighten their enemy [i.e. every infidel].
The purpose [of moslem political violence] is so that local infidels will 'respect' moslems, so that moslems can dictate the terms of the 'peace' which will exist between moslems and non-moslems. [...until moslems feel strong enough to begin hostilities again, against Allah's emeny].
ISLAM's 'religion' teaches and encourages moslems to 'employ' terror and militancy, as a
legitimate means to achieve the political objective of ISLAMIC/moslem supremacy, over disbelievers.
As per ISLAMIC religious texts.
----------- >
Allah's Messenger said,
I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy)...."
hadith/bukhari #004.052.220
".....I have been given superiority......;
I have been helped by terror (in the hearts of enemies):....."
hadithsunnah/muslim/ #004.1062
Are you frightened yet ?
"It is not for any prophet to have captives until he hath made slaughter in the land....."
Koran 8.67
Koran [8:67 above] meaning here, first moslems should beleaguer and slaughter their enemies in the land,
to terrorise, to cower them.
And then later, moslems will more easily be able to defeat, and enslave a pliant,
fearful enemy people.
Are you suggesting [by default] that we must choose to be compliant [to whatever moslems want/demand] ?
[THAT, is also what the moslem community wants!!]
Are you suggesting [by default] that we must pander to the demands which the moslem community
will make upon Australia, and upon the Australian community, i.e. to give moslems special concessions [
enforced in LAW], in Australia ?
Pakistani cleric: 'We want Islamic law for all Pakistan and then the world.
We would like to do this by preaching.
But if not then we would use force.'