Islam is a religion. Not a hostile ideology.
That is all.
If you have a look at Islamic groups considered the enemy, you will notice they were trained and supported by the
Soviet Union. This has nothing to do with Islam. It is political and Islam is a smoke screen.
It is very easy for the boss of al-terrorism, knowing full well he is funded, trained and supported by a state that has atheism as the official policy, and is therefore un-Islamic, to gather followers and not tell them this fact, and manipulate their perspectives and use the Quran to portray the west as the enemy. All the while he is fully aware he is doing the work of Satan by working with state atheism in the name of mass murder and global domination.
Anyone who has a problem with Islam, Sharia or Muslims is not informed or rational, or has another agenda they are pushing.
There are Muslims in the US army. There are Muslim majority nations and nations with Sharia law who are US military allies. Turkey has been in NATO for over 50 years. And has a crescent moon on their flag.
Muslim nations such as Syria and Iran and Iraq are not Muslim. They support and were supported by the Soviet Union, are blasphemous and are not telling the people under their dominion this fact and generating what is referred to as Islamic terrorism.
And oppression of Muslims in Australia by police and intelligence agencies is a major international issue.
It is destroying the diplomatic capabilities and intelligence capabilities of Australia. And inciting terrorism in furtherance of a national security policy that makes no sense UNLESS you desire to destroy the capabilities of Australian diplomatic and intelligence departments.
What's worse is they are radicalising people who were just average Muslims in to displaying anti American sentiment. Because they assume, when seeing in the media that Australian forces are in the middle east with American ones, and that Australian domestic national security policy is hostile to Muslims, that the whole world is against Islam.
It needs a Royal Commission.
Quote:Muslims, their family members and guests gathered here last night to celebrate the holy month of Ramadan during the 17th annual Pentagon iftar dinner.