The lack of interest in science and human development in the Muslim World is also clear in the UN Arab Human Development Reports (AHDR). AHDR concludes that there have been fewer books translated into Arabic in the last thousand years than the amount of books translated within the country of Spain every year:
"The Arab world translates about 330 books annually, one fifth of the number that Greece translates. The cumulative total of translated books since the Caliph Maa'moun's [sic] time (the ninth century) is about 100,000, almost the average that Spain translates in one year." (Eugene Rogan ”Arab Books and human development”. Index of Censorship, vol. 33, issue 2 April 2004, p. 152-157). "70 percent of the Turkish citizens never read books."(APA, 23 February 2009 “).
There is no doubt that the wide spread tradition of first cousin marriages among Muslims has harmed the gene pool among Muslims. Because Muslims’ religious beliefs prohibit marrying non-Muslims and thus prevents them from adding fresh genetic material to their population, the genetic damage done to their gene pool since their prophet allowed first cousin marriages 1,400 years ago are most likely massive. The overwhelming direct and indirect human and societal consequences have been explained above.
Compassion for the health of future generations should be enough to ban intermarriage among first cousins. The economic and societal consequences do also count. Such a ban would also lessen Muslim immigration to the West because many Muslim families would like to be able to continue their practice of intermarriage in order to live up to cultural and religious traditions and keep wealth and power inside their family.
A legislative ban on first cousin marriages is a logical and compassionate imperative for both the Muslim world, for EU and our Western national governments.
Other articles by Nicolai Sennels:
Interview to EuropeNews, marts 31st 2009 “Danish psychologist: “Integration of Muslims in Western societies is not possible”. Interview to The German Review of Books, December 2009: The one thing Muslim immigrants fear is being deported
Interview to the Finnish Hommaforum, December 17th 2009: An interview with Nicolai Sennels
Gates of Vienna, April 11th 2010: The Stigmatization Fallacy
Article in New English Review, May 2010: Muslims and Westerners: The psychological differences
Review on Gates of Vienna, May 8th 2010: Islam Means Never Having to say you’re sorry
Interview in FrontPage Magazine, May 5th 2010: Among Criminal Muslims Conference on FrontPageMagazine, June 21st 2010: A psychiatric Conference on Truthful Girl
Article on Europenews.dk, 5. februar 2010: Sexual abuse widespread among Muslims 180Grader, europenews.dk, GatesofVienna etc., July 28th 2010: Open letter to David Cameron regarding Turkey
Nicolai Sennels is a psychologist and author of “Among Criminal Muslims. A Psychologist’s Experiences from Copenhagen Municipality.”