Setanta wrote on Oct 11
th, 2015 at 6:53pm:
mariacostel wrote on Oct 11
th, 2015 at 7:48am:
I wasn't aware that Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics were considered 'trades'. Who taught your kids these subjects?
Way to miss the point. I shared rather briefly how we had our kids educated. I was talking about our kids and only the programmer did physics and upper math, none did chemistry, they were mainly trade related. But since you bring it up, my plumber mate that I think you mentioned in another post happens to have a Harvard educated Math teacher brother that is also a mate of mine, not that you'll believe it, it wouldn't serve your purpose.
Hell, why even believe we home schooled? Then there's the lovely old lady that lives behind us and down two houses that teaches Math at SCU who said, "anytime!" when we asked if middle son could ask her if he had trouble with anything at one of our neighbourly BBQs.
Are your friends not of all makes and sizes? Do you have any? Are you the shining beacon amongst them?
edit: Just because you home school doesn't mean there are no teachers either, they have one for every subject but it's more like UNI as there are few classes and most must be accomplished by the student and you contact the teacher when you need to.
Well it wouldn't be a home-schooling parent if they weren't super-defensive and prickly. Yes, I oppose home-schooling. If knowing a few people with education in maths and physics were enough,
* why do we even employ teachers? Did those people spend 4-5 hours a week with your kid?
I oppose home-schooling because the vast majority of parents are hopelessly unqualified to do so and those that do (sorry for the generalisation) tend to be those who probably couldn't pass year 8 now.
We have schools for a reason and the reasons for homeschooling are few and even less are valid.
Prickly because of a supercilious judgemental attitude? Who would have thunk.
*So their friends can use them to educate their kids. Did they need to spend 4-5 hours a week with him? I'm sure you're psychic.