Jovial Monk wrote on Oct 7
th, 2015 at 10:00am:
Scoot knows which training methods work and which lead to an anxious schizoid and dangerous student.
Scoot knows that mindful confident and positive teaching works.
Make the wrong thing hard and the right thing easy
Reward the smallest try.
Break it down into simple steps
When the wrong thing is done, correct it with a negative consequence , immediately and with no emotion.
Be mindful that there are no bad students , only bad trainers.
If a student becomes rebellious, dangerous and is not learning, you need to take responsibility for that and modify the lessons.
Always give the struggling student an "out" .
When you ask for a result , dont stop asking until the result is produced.
Your job is to lead, you have no right being anxious or lacking in confidence as this will be transferred by the law of mood transfer.
Refresh each lesson before moving onto the next.
Good nutrition is vital
Good posture is vital
Always be the alpha
A firm touch is reassuring
Do not react to things or the fear will be transferred.
Use as little force as possible but as much force as neccessary.
Respect has to come before love.
Learn the 5 love languages that all students (and horses) respond to
acts of service
quality time
positive affirmations
physical touch
be mindful that each needs to be applied judiciously.
dont let numpties anywhere near your student/horse..they will only confuse it.
i could go on.
you only get one chance to be trained.
ive seen plenty of kids and foals ruined because they went to the wrong trainers.