Quote:The Trans-Pacific Partnership would affect 40 per cent of the world economy and would stand as a legacy-defining achievement for U.S. President Barack Obama, if it is ratified by Congress.
http://www.straitstimes.com/business/deal-reached-on-tpp-pacific-trade-deal-offi...I'm not sure what this is supposed to represent or achieve.
Is it that these countries will band together to improve the condition of their economies?
Because looking at everything, it is all still marked Made in China.
So if these countries work together on small scale endeavors, such as biomedical engineering and agricultural niche markets, it does improve the economies of the participating countries.
It appears to be a streamlining effort.
Eg, my company has 12 typists. But I only need 3. So I sack 9 and save money, and have the same output and increase profits by reducing costs.
So instead of say, country x buying item 1 from country y, it now buys it from country z, and country z buys item 2 from country x.
The availability of the product, and pricing stays stable, but lots of small efforts like that impact the overall economy of the country implicated.
But, still, everything is made in China.
And every now and then they wipe out billions in foreign debt to improve the functioning of the global market.